Non-NHS Services




GPs are contracted by the NHS to provide most health care to most people free of charge. Signing forms and completing medical reports unrelated to NHS treatment you may be receiving are services which generally fall outside their NHS contracts and for this private work they are entitled to charge reasonable fees. We accept cash, cheques, bank transfers and card payments.

A doctor is obliged to check a patient’s entire medical records to ensure they are providing accurate information for medical reports and we therefore require reasonable notice for these services.

Please note, some forms are completed at the doctors discretion and the service may be refused. 

No medication will be released nor paperwork processed until full payment has been received. We endeavour to complete forms, reports etc within 10 working days of receipt of payment.


Non-NHS Fees

Description FWMC Fee 
Private Prescription  £20.00
Private Sick Note £20.00
Short Letter Confirming Statement of fact £20.00
GP Signature only £20.00
TWIMC Letter £30.00
TWIMC letter (in 48 working hours turnaround) £50.00
Fitness to Travel Letter £30.00
Holiday Cancellation Form £30.00
Court of Protection Form £80.00
Power of Attorney form £100.00
Power of Attorney form and consultation £175.00
Capacity Assessment £100.00
Capacity Assessment and consultation £175.00
General Practitioners Report (usually requested by insurers) £100.00
Additional information to support GPR (usually requested by insurers)  £35.00
Ofsted Declaration £35.00
Bupa Medical Claim Form £40.00
University/School Medical Form £40.00
Disability Living Allowance Form (DWP pay) £40.00

DVLA Fitness to Drive Forms

DVLA Medical Examination 



HGV Medical Examination £150.00
General Medical Examination (with full report) £175.00
General Medical Examination (with brief report) £95.00
General Medical Report (no examination) £85.00
Occupational Health Report £85.00
Army Medical Forms £65.00
DS1500 Form £17.00
Private Consultation with a GP £75.00
Private Consultation with a Nurse £40.00
Hepatitis B (Single) £35.00
Course Hepatitis B (3 Injections) £100.00
Rapid Schedule Course Hepatitis B (4 Injections) £130.00
Meningitis Vaccination £50.00
Rabies Vaccination (per injection) £50.00
Private Blood Tests £21 for clinical time + lab charges
DNA Testing £50.00