Clinics and Services




Image of a pregnancy test

Antenatal clinic

The Community Midwife holds a booking Clinic at Southmead Health Centre. Tel: 0117 414 6743

If you have had a positive pregnancy test and are happy to continue with the pregnancy:

  • Contact the receptionist and notify the practice of your name, address and the date of your last menstrual period.
  • Collect a pregnancy information pack.
  • Ring the midwives at Southmead Health Centre (tel: 0117 414 6743) as early as possible to arrange an appointment, discuss health in early pregnancy and plan the rest of the pregnancy.

If you have any concerns about your pregnancy or significant past health problems please make an appointment to discuss these with a doctor.


Asthma clinic/COPD

We can offer advice on how to manage your condition and advise treatment accordingly. We encourage annual attendance at the clinic to monitor your condition. Please make sure reception know that you wish to book for this clinic so they can allocate the correct amount of time.

Visit the Asthma UK website


The Triple A Test

Completing the Triple A Test and taking steps to reduce the risk of what could be a fatal asthma attack is one way that people with asthma can keep themselves well and out of hospital.

image of an inhaler

Try the test


Image of a doctor's appointment

Coil and implant service

We offer a range of appointments for both Coil and Implant procedures; please contact the reception team who will find you an appointment.

There is usual a high demand for this service, so if we cannot offer you an appointment straight away, you will be added to the waiting list and contacted accordingly.



The practice nurses and GP’s provide a full range of contraceptive services.

The nurses see most women who require the contraceptive pill and long acting contraceptives including the Depo injection. Intrauterine devices (coils) are very popular and can be either copper (IUCD) or hormone (IUS) based. For further advice on any of these methods please book an appointment with the doctors or nurses for discussion.

Image of contraceptive pills

We refer elsewhere for vasectomies and sterilization and this can be arranged through your GP.

For further advice on family planning visit the FPA Website.


Emergency contraception

Please visit your local pharmacist or book an appointment with a nurse or doctor through reception, advising them that you need an urgent appointment to be seen that day.


image of a diabetic patient

Diabetes clinic

Our practice nurses run the diabetic clinic.

Care for type 2 Diabetes is offered on a six monthly basis, or more frequently as necessary, to pick up any health problems that may develop. An important part of this is continuing lifestyle advice, blood pressure, urine testing, care of feet and eyes and blood tests for renal function, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Newly diagnosed diabetics see the Dietician although this no longer takes place within the practice premises. Advice is also given about medication for the treatment of diabetes – tablets and insulin.

We ask that blood tests are performed twelve days before the six monthly reviews with the Diabetes Nurse/Doctor.

Visit Diabetes UK


GP care

GP Care is a company formed by GPs across Bristol in 2007 to provide a range of services both NHS and private.

At Fallodon Way we participate in a private minor surgery service for patients with minor skin lesions (moles, lumps and cysts) not covered by NHS treatment criteria.

Visit the GP Care website



The practice runs a comprehensive infant and pre-school immunisation programme. 

Please phone the appointment line 0117 962 4692 and pre-book.

Parents are automatically informed when their child is due for their next injection.

Please note that unless there is a valid reason, we advise that all children should have the complete course of recommended immunisations. If your child is not immunised, then as well as a risk to themselves, they may pose a risk to other children as they may be a carrier for these diseases.

image of child being immunised

13-14yr olds will be invited to attend for teenage boosters to complete the childhood immunisation programme.


Weight management

If you would like more information about the free or subsidised weight management services  available to you please contact the practice.

Social Prescribing

As part of your wellbeing, we recognise that it’s important for you to connect to activities, groups and services in your community.  We have put this webpage together to signpost you to useful resources.

If you would prefer this information in a printed version including contact telephone numbers, please contact our Reception team who can happily support you with this.


Self Help Guides

To understand more about some of the conditions and difficulties you may have Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust have a helpful leaflet library that you can view online or download from:

The Great Outdoors

If you are interested in volunteering to work in Bristol parks, you can find out more information here:

If you'd like to foster a deeper relationship with nature to support your wellbeing, you may find the below useful:

If you'd like to join a walking group:

If you'd like to support a community farm:

Arts and Creativity

In need of a friend/companionship & at home support services



Employment Support

Learning Disabilites

Mental Health Support

Young People- 11 to 25 years old 

Worrying about money/housing/energy


Support in the Community